Suicide Ain’t Painless

Eric Saeger
3 min readJun 12, 2024

I’ve had 3 close friends commit suicide over the years, but never did they ever threaten to do so on social media, basically because it wasn’t the monstrously ubiquitous thing it is nowadays. It’s so common to see that on Facebook and Twitter now, you know? There was another one today I never would have expected.

I don’t know how seriously to take people who threaten to do it on Facebook or Twitter, because everything we do on those platforms is all off-Broadway acting, but I do have a few thoughts on it. First one is that this too shall pass, if it’s not a debilitating, permanent injury…



Eric Saeger

Author of “Russian Nazi Troll Bots! The Busy Person’s Guide to How Trump’s Trolls Won the Internet.” Music writer at Hippo Press. Software guy. Doomsayer.