America’s COVID Crisis Has No Leadership Whatsoever, Change My Mind
Baby, you’re so hot. Hold my hand and let’s jump into the abyss together.
Good morning, crazies. I am very much enjoying this mug of black Red Rose tea, even if there is a slightly annoying hint of licorice to it, the same quibble I’ve had with it for decades. Ha ha, it’s loving habit from boyhood, is all.
In closing, I’d like to say that in America, the most frightening thing about the COVID crisis is the palpable sense of hopelessness that’s steadily spreading among most average-to-underprivileged citizens, rooted in the realization that there is no universally accepted leadership believed to be handling the crisis with determined finesse (or even genuine interest in preventing widespread death), only a fatal level of hyper-political posturing from two ridiculously powerful sides, both of which are possessed of a suicidal fetish for late-stage boom/bust capitalism.
In one corner, the current regime blindly supports a power-drunk madman who obviously believes that this pesky old COVID thing is nothing more than a TV show in which he’s been cast as the beleaguered hero. (I don’t really believe in my heart that it’s that, more like yet another sure sign that tough-man Trump melts into a puddle of watered-down dogshit the minute some corporate asshole exerts a little pressure on him.)
The “opposing” team demands that its (mostly detached) supporters find comfort in the rambling, incoherent thoughts of a nice but completely unworkable man who is publicly, rapidly, transparently descending into the throes of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. On the upside, I’ll admit that it’s been mildly entertaining to watch mainstream media vampire freaks like Democrat-for-the-time-being Nicole Wallace help Biden finish his torturously cringey train-wreck sentences.
I really have no idea how we’re getting out of this, fam. My guess is that “My Corona” will just bag the whole idea out of boredom, what with the lily-livered governors of the dipshit states (tm) keeping the beaches open. My advice is that when everything goes back to normal and we’re back to mass-murdering tortured animals as our only source of protein, stock up on basically everything. Somewhere in our vast, wonderful world, there’s a rodent or monster centipede or fruit bat that’s busily gestating COVID’s big, mean-ass brother.
Boy, if only Bernie Sanders had used the term “FDR reformist” instead of “socialist,” huh? Heh heh. [sip]
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